Email Sender
Send emails via global mutation _sendEmail
Mutation _sendEmail
sends emails by executing WordPress wp_mail
function. As a result, it will use the configuration defined for sending emails in WordPress (such as the SMTP provider to use).
The email can be sent with content types "text" or "HTML", depending on the value of the messageAs
input (which is a "oneof" InputObject, so that only one of its properties can be provided).
To send as text, provide property messageAs.text
mutation {
input: {
to: ""
subject: "Email with text content"
messageAs: {
text: "Hello world!"
) {
errors {
...on ErrorPayload {
To send as HTML, provide property messageAs.html
mutation {
input: {
to: ""
subject: "Email with HTML content"
messageAs: {
html: "<p>Hello world!</p>"
) {
errors {
...on ErrorPayload {
Global Field
is a global field (or, more precisely, a global mutation). This means that, if Nested Mutations are enabled, this mutations can be executed on any type from the GraphQL schema (i.e. not only in MutationRoot
This is useful for iterating a list of users, and sending an email to each of them (in this case, the mutation is triggered while in the User
mutation {
users {
input: {
to: $__email
subject: "..."
messageAs: {
text: "..."
) {
errors {
...on ErrorPayload {
Combined with features from other extensions (in this case, Field to Input and PHP Functions via Schema), we can create personalized messages for every user:
mutation {
users {
remainingCredits: metaValue(key: "credits")
emailMessage: _sprintf(
string: """
<p>Hello %s!</p>
<p>Your have <strong>%s remaining credits</strong> in your account.</p>
<p><a href="%s">Buy more?</a></p>
values: [
input: {
to: $__email
subject: "Remaining credits"
messageAs: {
html: $__emailMessage
) {
errors {
...on ErrorPayload {
Further examples
The query below sends an email to the admin user with some post's content (eg: it can be triggered whenever a new post is published). It uses extensions:
- Multiple Query Execution to manage the query into logical units
- Helper Function Collection to compose the email message using Markdown and convert it to HTML via
- PHP Functions via Schema to dynamically inject values into the email subject and message via fields
- Field to Input to retrieve and provide the admin's email from
query GetPostData($postID: ID!) {
post(by: {id: $postID}) {
title @export(as: "postTitle")
excerpt @export(as: "postExcerpt")
url @export(as: "postLink")
author {
name @export(as: "postAuthorName")
url @export(as: "postAuthorLink")
query GetEmailData @depends(on: "GetPostData") {
emailMessageTemplate: _strConvertMarkdownToHTML(
text: """
There is a new post by [{$postAuthorName}]({$postAuthorLink}):
**{$postTitle}**: {$postExcerpt}
[Read online]({$postLink})
emailMessage: _strReplaceMultiple(
search: ["{$postAuthorName}", "{$postAuthorLink}", "{$postTitle}", "{$postExcerpt}", "{$postLink}"],
replaceWith: [$postAuthorName, $postAuthorLink, $postTitle, $postExcerpt, $postLink],
in: $__emailMessageTemplate
@export(as: "emailMessage")
subject: _sprintf(string: "New post created by %s", values: [$postAuthorName])
@export(as: "emailSubject")
mutation SendEmail @depends(on: "GetEmailData") {
adminEmail: optionValue(name: "admin_email")
input: {
to: $__adminEmail
subject: $emailSubject
messageAs: {
html: $emailMessage
) {