Internal GraphQL Server
This extension installs an internal GraphQL Server, that can be invoked within your application, using PHP code.
Among other use cases, you can trigger the execution of a GraphQL query whenever some action happens, to perform some related task (such as sending a notification, adding a log entry, validating a condition, etc).
The internal GraphQL server is accessed via class GatoGraphQL\InternalGraphQLServer\GraphQLServer
, through these three methods:
: Execute a GraphQL queryexecuteQueryInFile
: Execute a GraphQL query contained in a (.gql
) fileexecutePersistedQuery
: Execute a persisted GraphQL query (providing its ID as an int, or slug as a string) (the Persisted Queries extension is required)
These are the method signatures:
namespace GatoGraphQL\InternalGraphQLServer;
use PoP\Root\HttpFoundation\Response;
class GraphQLServer {
* Execute a GraphQL query
public static function executeQuery(
string $query,
array $variables = [],
?string $operationName = null,
int|string|null $schemaConfigurationIDOrSlug = null,
): Response {
// ...
* Execute a GraphQL query contained in a (`.gql`) file
public static function executeQueryInFile(
string $file,
array $variables = [],
?string $operationName = null,
int|string|null $schemaConfigurationIDOrSlug = null,
): Response {
// ...
* Execute a persisted GraphQL query (providing its object
* of type WP_Post, ID as an int, or slug as a string)
public static function executePersistedQuery(
WP_Post|string|int $persistedQuery,
array $variables = [],
?string $operationName = null
): Response {
// ...
To execute a GraphQL query and obtain the response content:
// Provide the GraphQL query
$query = "{ ... }";
// Execute the query against the internal server
$response = GraphQLServer::executeQuery($query);
// Get the content and decode it
$responseContent = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
// Access the data and errors from the response
$responseData = $responseContent["data"] ?? [];
$responseErrors = $responseContent["errors"] ?? [];
The Response object also contains any produced header (eg: if some Cache Control List was applied, it would add the Cache-Control
$responseHeaders = $response->getHeaders();
$responseCacheControlHeader = $response->getHeaderLine('Cache-Control');
Please notice that class GraphQLServer
is not ready before the WordPress core init
Schema Configuration
The internal GraphQL Server applies its own Schema Configuration. For instance, the default one is selected in the Settings page, under tab "Internal GraphQL Server".
This configuration also applies whenever the query executed against the internal GraphQL server was triggered by some other GraphQL query while being resolved in an endpoint with a different configuration (such as the public endpoint graphql/
To illustrate, let's say that we have configured the single endpoint graphql/
to apply an Access Control List to validate users by IP, and we execute mutation createPost
against this endpoint:
mutation {
createPost(input: {...}) {
# ...
As such, only visitors from that IP will be able to execute this mutation.
Then there is a hook on publish_post
that executes some query against the internal GraphQL server (eg: to send a notification to the site admin):
fn (int $post_id) => GraphQLServer::executeQuery("...", ["postID" => $post_id])
This GraphQL query will be resolved using the schema configuration applied to the internal GraphQL server, and not to the single endpoint graphql/
As a result, the validation by user IP will not take place (that is, unless that Access Control List was also applied to the internal GraphQL server).
In this example workflow (which also uses Multiple Query Execution, Helper Function Collection and Field to Input modules), when a new post is created in the site, we send a notification to the admin user.
We hook into the WordPress core action new_to_publish
, retrieve the data from the newly-created post, and call GraphQLServer::executeQuery
function (WP_Post $post) {
if ($post->post_type !== 'post') {
// Check the contents of the query below
$query = ' ... ';
$variables = [
'postTitle' => $post->post_title,
'postContent' => $post->post_content,
GraphQLServer::executeQuery($query, $variables, 'SendEmail');
...with this GraphQL query:
query GetEmailData(
$postTitle: String!,
$postContent: String!
) {
emailMessageTemplate: _strConvertMarkdownToHTML(
text: """
There is a new post on the site:
emailMessage: _strReplaceMultiple(
search: ["{$postTitle}", "{$postContent}"],
replaceWith: [$postTitle, $postContent],
in: $__emailMessageTemplate
@export(as: "emailMessage")
mutation SendEmail @depends(on: "GetEmailData") {
input: {
to: ""
subject: "There is a new post"
messageAs: {
html: $emailMessage
) {