'oneOf' Input Object
The oneOf input object is a particular type of input object, where exactly one of the input fields must be provided as input, or otherwise the server returns a validation error. This behavior introduces polymorphism for inputs in GraphQL, allowing us to design neater schemas.
For instance, retrieving a user in our application could be done by different properties, such as the user ID or email. To do this, we'd normally need to create a separate field for each property:
type Query {
userByID(id: ID!): User
userByEmail(email: String!): User
Thanks to the oneOf input object, we can instead have a single field user
that accepts all properties via a UserByInput
oneOf input object, knowing that only one of the properties (either the ID or the email) can and must be provided:
type Query {
user(by: UserByInput!): User
input UserByInput @oneOf {
id: ID
email: String
(Please notice that the syntax @oneOf
above is for documentation only within the context of Gato GraphQL, as we don't need to use SDL —Schema Definition Language— to generate the schema; the plugin already generates the schema via PHP code, using the inputs from the Schema Configuration.)
In the query, we provide the input value for exactly one of the properties:
tom: user(by: {
id: 1
}) {
jerry: user(by: {
email: "jerry@warnerbros.com"
}) {
If we provide two (or more) values to the input:
user(by: {
id: 1
email: "jerry@warnerbros.com"
}) {
... then the server will return an error:
"errors": [
"message": "The oneOf input object 'UserByInput' must be provided exactly one value, but 2 have been provided",
"extensions": {
"type": "Query",
"field": "user(by:{id:1,email:\"jerry@warnerbros.com\"})",
"argument": "by"
"data": {
"user": null
How Gato GraphQL makes use of oneOf input objects
Let's see a few situations in which the plugin makes use of this feature, and which we can also use to extend our GraphQL schemas.
Selecting a single entity by different properties
This is the general case for the query demonstrated above, concerning input UserByInput
in field user
Whenever we need to fetch a single entity (a single User
, Post
, PostTag
, etc) that can be uniquely identified by more than one property (such as by ID or email, ID or slug, etc), then we can define all different properties into a oneOf input object, and converge all different fields to retrieve that entity into a single field.
Accepting different sets of data in mutations
When doing a mutation, we may accept different sets of data as inputs. Instead of exposing different mutation fields for each different set of data, by using a oneOf input object, a single mutation field can tackle all possibilities.
For instance, the mutation loginUser
can support logging users in by a number of different methods: username/password, JWT token, application passwords, or others. That's why this mutation receives the oneOf Input Object LoginUserByInput
, which currently accepts the standard username/password WordPress validation, but can also be expanded to other methods:
type Mutation {
loginUser(by: LoginUserByInput!): RootLoginUserMutationPayload!
input LoginUserByInput @oneOf {
credentials: LoginCredentialsInput
input LoginCredentialsInput {
usernameOrEmail: String!
password: String!
Querying meta values
Querying meta values in WordPress can be complex, with combinations of inputs that can conflict with each other, as explained in its documentation:
The following arguments can be passed in a key=>value paired array.
- meta_query (array) – Contains one or more arrays with the following keys:
- key (string) – Custom field key.
- value (string|array) – Custom field value. It can be an array only when compare is 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', or 'NOT BETWEEN'. You don’t have to specify a value when using the 'EXISTS' or 'NOT EXISTS' comparisons in WordPress 3.9 and up. (Note: Due to bug #23268, value was required for NOT EXISTS comparisons to work correctly prior to 3.9. You had to supply some string for the value parameter. An empty string or NULL will NOT work. However, any other string will do the trick and will NOT show up in your SQL when using NOT EXISTS. Need inspiration? How about 'bug #23268'.)
- compare (string) – Operator to test. Possible values are ‘=’, ‘!=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’, ‘<‘, ‘<=’, ‘LIKE’, ‘NOT LIKE’, ‘IN’, ‘NOT IN’, ‘BETWEEN’, ‘NOT BETWEEN’, ‘EXISTS’ (only in WP >= 3.5), and ‘NOT EXISTS’ (also only in WP >= 3.5). Values ‘REGEXP’, ‘NOT REGEXP’ and ‘RLIKE’ were added in WordPress 3.7. Default value is ‘=’.
The documentation explains that value
can be a string or an array, and depending on this value, then compare
can accept one set of values or another (such as IN
only for arrays, LIKE
only for strings). In addition, value
is mandatory, but only if compare
does not receive EXISTS
, in which case value
is not needed at all.
Analyzing the different input sets we will discover that there are 4 possible combinations, depending on the comparison being applied on the key or the value, and the type of value:
The oneOf input object MetaQueryCompareByInput
deals with these 4 inputs, aided by different Enums that define the possible operators that each input can use. Then, filtering by numericValue
we can use operator GREATER_THAN
, by arrayValue
we can use operator IN
, and by key
we can use operator EXISTS
(and there's no need to provide a value
The resulting GraphQL schema (using SDL) is this one:
type Query {
posts(filter: PostsFilterInput): [Post!]!
input PostsFilterInput {
metaQuery: [PostMetaQueryInput!]
input PostMetaQueryInput {
compareBy: MetaQueryCompareByInput!
key: String!
type MetaQueryCompareByInput @oneOf {
Compare against the meta key
key: MetaQueryCompareByKeyInput
Compare against an array meta value
array: ValueMetaQueryCompareByArrayValueInput
Compare against a numeric meta value
numeric: ValueMetaQueryCompareByNumericValueInput
Compare against a string meta value
string: ValueMetaQueryCompareByStringValueInput
input MetaQueryCompareByKeyInput {
operator: MetaQueryCompareByKeyOperatorEnum!
enum MetaQueryCompareByKeyOperatorEnum {
input ValueMetaQueryCompareByArrayValueInput {
operator: MetaQueryCompareByArrayValueOperatorEnum!
value: [AnyBuiltInScalar!]!
# AnyBuiltInScalar: Int, Float, String or Bool
scalar AnyBuiltInScalar
enum MetaQueryCompareByArrayValueOperatorEnum {
input ValueMetaQueryCompareByNumericValueInput {
operator: MetaQueryCompareByNumericValueOperatorEnum!
value: Numeric!
enum MetaQueryCompareByNumericValueOperatorEnum {
# Numeric: Float or Int
scalar Numeric
input ValueMetaQueryCompareByStringValueInput {
operator: MetaQueryCompareByStringValueOperatorEnum!
value: String!
enum MetaQueryCompareByStringValueOperatorEnum {
This way, by choosing what input to use under compareBy
, the correctness of the overall input data set will be validated by GraphQL. Now, when filtering posts where some meta key exists we cannot provide a value
posts(filter: {
metaQuery: {
key: "_thumbnail_id",
key: {
operator: EXISTS
}) {
metaValue(key: "_thumbnail_id")
To filter posts "liked" by some user we use input arrayValue
, and select the operator IN
query FilterPostsLikedByUser($userID: ID!) {
posts(filter: {
metaQuery: {
key: "liked_by_users",
arrayValue: {
value: $userID
operator: IN
}) {
Introspection: finding out if a type is a "oneOf" Input Object
We can find out if a type is a "oneOf" Input Object via introspection field isOneOf
query IsOneOfInputObject {
__schema {
types {
extensions {
Please notice that field isOneOf
is currently under extensions
, as the new feature proposal has not been merged into the GraphQL spec yet.
GraphQL spec
This functionality is currently not part of the GraphQL spec, but it has been requested in: